I'm a Rainbow Too!

"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


I am not a very good blogger.

I am not a very good journal keeper either. I would venture to say that the two are related. I have had a journal since I was 15. I have not written in said journal in over a year. I often will go a year or two between entries. I will try to do a little better with it's online counterpart.

I am having a bit of inner tourmoil....I am fighting with James about something that I find so comepletely assinine that it borders on comical. James disagrees. (hence the fight) I would love to just spill it all out and rant away. But I feel that would be disrespectful in that people who know us may read, and, well, more importantly he may read....shitty!!!

Something to be said for a journal I guess. Ironically the fight was over a pad of paper that was actually a one page journal entry....oops!

Anyway, there is my ramble so that certain people can't say that I never blog. (double negative much? why yes thank you!)


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