I'm a Rainbow Too!

"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Allen "the pancake" Yuo

I am in pain....quite a lot of pain!!!

We had Art class right before lunch. Everyone hates it when we have Art class right before lunch. Teacher Lily is a bit of a loose canon, and will often too much time freaking out on the kids for pressing too hard with their markers (the are 4 and 5!!!!). We innevitably go over time. By the time we get back to the classroom I will have enough time to get down to the caffeteria, shovel some food in my gullet and make it to Chinese class on time. No tea today!! As I rush out Allen jumps in front of me and yells, "YOU CANNOT GO!!!"

"Whanna bet?" I was like a steam train with my momentum. Normally I could transfer the momentum to my other leg and step around his body. Today I am wearing a pencil skirt, my legs do not spread that wide today. I stumbled a bit, and realized we were going down...both of us. I pulled him towards me and put my knee and elbow out to try and break his fall. I took most of the fall, but he banged his head on the floor. He was scared. I would be too if I was 4 feet tall and I had fallen on top of me!!! I put some ice on his head, comforted him and left to go to chinese class. By the time I got up from my brief lunch my knee was starting to hurt. By the time I got to chinese class it had swollen to twice its size.

My knee is stiff and swollen, and I am wallowing in the thought that I fell ON a student...I am SUCH A CLUTZ!!

udate: I went into work this morning. I asked Allen how he was feeling, if he had a bump. He said no, and was sweet enough to ask how I was doing. I showed him the bruise and scrape on my elbow, and my bruised and swollen knee. With the utmost concern he looked and me and said "You should look the doctor!"


  • At 8:46 a.m., Blogger Steph said…

    See if you were in the US, you'd be getting sued right about now ;)Be thankful for small mercies.

    Hope your knee gets better,

  • At 8:55 a.m., Blogger Ang said…

    I am thankful EVERYDAY that I am not in the States!!!!

    Between the cheek biting, hugging, kissing, cuddling, and hanging upside down, I would have been sued SOOO long ago!!

    Nothing left on the knee but a bruise, walking normally again!

  • At 6:03 a.m., Blogger Walter said…

    Good to hear the knee has returned to "abby normal" proportions and your walking again, but if you're still in pain, and since your in china, maybe a couple of puffs from an opium pipe might help? Just kidding, stick to tylenol with codeine.

  • At 8:58 a.m., Blogger Ang said…


  • At 10:23 p.m., Blogger Walter said…

    Hmmm, looks like someone is still popping codeine like popcorn in a cinema seeing how there's no new posts. :P

  • At 11:19 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    mmmm. . . codeine. . .

  • At 8:19 a.m., Blogger Walter said…

    Hello Everyone, My name is Ang, and I'm a codeine addict..,

    Hi Ang.


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