I'm a Rainbow Too!

"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I have been tagged by Janestarr

Rules are as follows:
Remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place;add your blog's name in the #5 spot;
link to each of the other blogs for the desired cross pollination effect.

1. Never promised you a rose garden
2. ShutterJane
3. SwissTwist
4. Unraveling the Princess
5. I'm a Rainbow Too

Next: select four new friends to add to the pollen count.(No one is obligated to participate and anyone can play if they want to).

1. Much Ado About Sumtin!
2. Skarredblog
3. Just Another Random Thought
4. Little Fluffy Clouds

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I had just moved back to BC after failing out of Uni in Saskatchewan. I was partying through the hurt of my step-father's death. Booze, bud (not the beer) and boys were the theme of this time period. Fairly self destructive, but never crossing "that line", and really a lot of fun!!

What were you doing one year ago?
James and I had just moved into this apartment. I was in love and blind! Leah and Dave lived across the hall, and we were in the early stages of 'the bubble'. We did everything together! I was really happy during this time period!

What were you doing yesterday?
I got up early to take down the recycling and garbage (they do not pick it up here, you must go down and meet the truck that announces its arrival with 'Greensleaves' blaring) Found a mouse in the trap and had to send a text to all the boys we know to 'deal' with it (felt like SUCH a girl!!) Taught Kindergarten, raced home to pick up Pao Pao and go to my Chinese lesson over lunch. Race home again to drop off Pao Pao and head off to my afternoon/evening job. That one was mostly spent making, and putting up Halloween decorations. Home for a chat with Lisa and Leah before an early night in bed.

5 snacks you enjoy
1. Cheese!!
2. dips of all kinds-guacamole, hummos, tzatziki, salsa, spinach dip mmmm
3.real popcorn with butter and salt
4. potato chips-ketchup, salt and vinager or dill pickle
5. olives

5 songs you know all the words to
1. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
2. Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
3. We're Going to be Friends- WhiteStripes
4. Angry Anymore - Ani Difranco
5. Don't Get Your Back Up - Sarah Harmer

5 things you would do if you had a million dollars
1.Travel - probably working for different NGOs-but go home on a regular basis
2.Pay of my dad's and brother's debts
3. Buy some property in the Kootneys or the Okanagan (Uncle John's, Leah?)
4. of course do some shopping
5. I know that it is boring, but I would definitely invest some of it!!

5 things you like doing
1. Dancing- home, out...doesn't matter
2. Reading
3. Travelling
4. Camping
5. Hanging out- with Paopao, good friends, family...I like just chillin' when I can

5 bad habits
1. Procrastinating
2. Driving to fast
3. Road Rage
4. disorganization (is that a habit????)
5. Bossiness

5 things you would never wear again
I want to note that I realize as soon as I write these they will be on the runway. We will all be wearing them within a year!!
1. Styrup pants
2. Spandex
3. Acid Wash
4. Scrunchies
5.pleated pants

5 favourite toys
1. Mp3 player
f2. Laptop
3. My cell phone
4. digital camera...but its broken
5. i guess my scooter


  • At 7:13 p.m., Blogger Chai said…

    Angry Anymore? I can imagine my daughter singing that to me when she is older :-)

  • At 9:39 p.m., Blogger Steph said…

    You tagged meeeeeeee! Will do soon. Still laughing at the stirrup pants. Who the hell thought up that fashion trend?


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