Reflections on a Fantastic Weekend
I have had the BEST couple days...hurrah!
Friday night I stayed in to finish the paper I am writing for the online course I am taking. It is 4 weeks overdue (I am the QUEEN of extensions) and has been hanging over my head and nagging at my self worth for about 2 months. It's done, I feel good about it, and I am even more sure about this program.(online mutli-disciplinary palliative care certificate).
He came over for a bit as he was going out with dave and leah for drinks. It was awkward and strained, but oh well. I went to bed at about 2 and my step dad visited me. Alexis was killed in an accident 13 years ago now. He and my mom had been together for 10 years, and he and I had a special bond. I have a picture of us dancing at my highschool graduation and the pride on his face brought tears to my eyes even when he was alive. Since he died he has visited me a few times in my dreams. It is different then a normal dream though. Friday night he asked me to hand him a 1/8 wrench, whatever that means. As soon as I said "here you go Al" I realized I was dreaming, and that he wasnt really supposed to be there, and it was stolen time and that I just had to let it fill me up while I could. He was a fixer-a 'monkey'er. So on Friday night, I held in the tears and handed him tools and we fixed stuff together. His hands looked just like I remember them.
Saturday I met my friend Iris to go see her Buddhist master. After some suprisingly comforting rituals, we sat down with this lady who had eyes that pierced my soul. Although Iris was translating she always spoke to me, and looked into my eys. It was brief, but I was left feeling comfoted and elated at the same time. She told me I had a beautiful heart. She told me things I already knew, but needed to hear. He was not the man for me, I gave more than he did, time to move on. She told me that I deserve a better, higher paying job. She blessed (?) some money to burn, put the ash in hot water, let the ash settle and take 3 sips of the water. This is for when I need a mood elevation - I have been a bit down. She was wonderful.
Saturday night my friend had a "let's french" party. French costume, french food, some brutal attemts at the language. I went Bridgette Bardot-ish. Leah and I went for a lovely hair wash and I had a sexy buffaunt going on. It was a great night where I met people that I didnt know, touched base with others that I know but don't see often enough. I flirted my ass off, have a date for next weekend and had this guy - who most people think is hot, but I always said was cute, but not my type, too boyish , who I had only properly met that night - come tell me he was leaving and then "I want to tell you that you look absalutely ravishing tonight." RAVISHING!! How fucking cool is that? Not beautiful, not sexy - ravishing. Boys, for the record, that is a good one. That's one way to become my type quickly..haha! My friend Holly and I danced till 5 and back to mine for a girlie sleepover. Sunday was breakfast with the girls, submit my paper, over to another friend, Ruth's for pizza and movies. Chilling out hangover day. Purrfect ending to really, a perfect weekend.
OH, OH, OH...tea with ruth tonight. Little bit of talk about him, and it dawned on me, and I said it out loud (and then cried, but that's not the point)
"I am glad that I am not with him anymore"
wow!! yay! It feels so good. No regrets, no annomosity, just happy that it turned out this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday night I stayed in to finish the paper I am writing for the online course I am taking. It is 4 weeks overdue (I am the QUEEN of extensions) and has been hanging over my head and nagging at my self worth for about 2 months. It's done, I feel good about it, and I am even more sure about this program.(online mutli-disciplinary palliative care certificate).
He came over for a bit as he was going out with dave and leah for drinks. It was awkward and strained, but oh well. I went to bed at about 2 and my step dad visited me. Alexis was killed in an accident 13 years ago now. He and my mom had been together for 10 years, and he and I had a special bond. I have a picture of us dancing at my highschool graduation and the pride on his face brought tears to my eyes even when he was alive. Since he died he has visited me a few times in my dreams. It is different then a normal dream though. Friday night he asked me to hand him a 1/8 wrench, whatever that means. As soon as I said "here you go Al" I realized I was dreaming, and that he wasnt really supposed to be there, and it was stolen time and that I just had to let it fill me up while I could. He was a fixer-a 'monkey'er. So on Friday night, I held in the tears and handed him tools and we fixed stuff together. His hands looked just like I remember them.
Saturday I met my friend Iris to go see her Buddhist master. After some suprisingly comforting rituals, we sat down with this lady who had eyes that pierced my soul. Although Iris was translating she always spoke to me, and looked into my eys. It was brief, but I was left feeling comfoted and elated at the same time. She told me I had a beautiful heart. She told me things I already knew, but needed to hear. He was not the man for me, I gave more than he did, time to move on. She told me that I deserve a better, higher paying job. She blessed (?) some money to burn, put the ash in hot water, let the ash settle and take 3 sips of the water. This is for when I need a mood elevation - I have been a bit down. She was wonderful.
Saturday night my friend had a "let's french" party. French costume, french food, some brutal attemts at the language. I went Bridgette Bardot-ish. Leah and I went for a lovely hair wash and I had a sexy buffaunt going on. It was a great night where I met people that I didnt know, touched base with others that I know but don't see often enough. I flirted my ass off, have a date for next weekend and had this guy - who most people think is hot, but I always said was cute, but not my type, too boyish , who I had only properly met that night - come tell me he was leaving and then "I want to tell you that you look absalutely ravishing tonight." RAVISHING!! How fucking cool is that? Not beautiful, not sexy - ravishing. Boys, for the record, that is a good one. That's one way to become my type quickly..haha! My friend Holly and I danced till 5 and back to mine for a girlie sleepover. Sunday was breakfast with the girls, submit my paper, over to another friend, Ruth's for pizza and movies. Chilling out hangover day. Purrfect ending to really, a perfect weekend.
OH, OH, OH...tea with ruth tonight. Little bit of talk about him, and it dawned on me, and I said it out loud (and then cried, but that's not the point)
"I am glad that I am not with him anymore"
wow!! yay! It feels so good. No regrets, no annomosity, just happy that it turned out this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:56 a.m.,
meghansdiscontent said…
I swear I am not normally this sexually driven ... but between the shoe wars and everything else going on . . . you do NOT want to know what I thought when I initially read that your friend had a "Let's French" night!
Sounds like you had a stellar weekend! I hope you have many more like that!
At 4:44 a.m.,
trueborn said…
Hah! Sorry Meghan I was thinking the same thing! I was like wow Ang is goint to one of those parties? I must have an excess of testosterone lately, I better get rid of it before I get into trouble.
Coming to a realization like that is hard, but its also very freeing. I wish my own weekend had gone as well!
At 10:13 a.m.,
Steph said…
sounds like you had a great weekend. Well done you!
As for the "visit" OMFG, i thought i was the only person who had those kinds of dreams. It's like you know you are dreaming, your kind of conscious...when i dream about my cousin that died in a car accident, she never speaks to me but she hears my thoughts and i hear hers. I always wake up feeling so WONDERFUl after a visit.
At 12:42 p.m.,
Ang said…
She was going for a bit of double entendre I guys aren't complete pervs!! I have to say, I was a bit disappointed when there wasnt a key jar at the door!!
true: It wasn't easy, but I said it before I realized the implications of it. It was just over a month ago and I didnt even want to get over him! Not that I am comletely 'over' him, I still love him, but yes I feel free! I hope next weekend is better for you!
Steph: they are pretty special hey!! I didnt even remember when I first woke up. I dawned on me as I was cleaning up dog shit!! I just stood there smiling and crying like a complete spaz. I am glad you get them too, cause they really do leave you feeling amazing!! I wonder if the dying in accidents has anything to do with it?
At 12:41 a.m.,
D said…
Who was the guy in the frog costume anyways, what a cool dude!! a little late for halloween, but hey he can pull it off any given night.
At 3:03 p.m.,
Ang said…
I am not sure who that wierdo politically incorrect can you get? wearing a frog at a french party - OH MY GOD!!
hahaha, good on you dave! you were the best dressed there!!
At 9:36 a.m.,
Steph said…
You have been TAGGED! Mwah! My christmas present to you ;)
At 1:55 p.m.,
meghansdiscontent said…
Great, it's quite obvious to us all that JOBE has Ang now.
STOP stealing the good people!!!!!!
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