I came to this page with the best intition of writing a post. And I have been sitting here for 5 min...there is stuff stuff going on that I have strong feelings about, but it is not my stuff. I feel like I need to let them sort some of it out before I speak about it on a public forum. But I will say that I have a totally amazing cousin here with me. Our relationship ebbs and flows as far as time spent together, but despite that I don't know what I would do without her here. She has the most beautiful, sensitive, insightful soul and a heart that reaches out to almost everyone. Not much could make me angrier than someone fucking around with that heart!!
At 7:30 p.m., Steph said…
Ahh how sweet. I have a fave cousin too. Lisa is older than me, has four kids, but has the heart of a teenage rebel. It's awesome when we actually like people we are related to.
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