I'm Baaaaaack!!!
Jobe has released me, and I return with a tag from Steph!
1. What did you do in 2005 that you hadn't done before?
Been a puppy mom.
Broken up with someone that I still loved.
Had a broken heart.
2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
A cousin, but we arent really close
3. Did anyone close to you die?
4. Did you travel? Where did you go? Best holiday memory?
He and I went to Thailand. Met up with some friends I had travelled in Europe with and my best friend from back home and her mom. Very cool seeing people you love 'out of context'.
Went home to Canada by myself. Had some quality time with all the most important people. Realized that I wasnt truely happy in my relationship.
Went to Thailand by myself. Lots of snogs! Got back to myself a bit. I can go anywhere, I can do anything...blahblah
5. Best thing you bought?
My dog!! (although I got her from the humane society and only had to pay for her first vaccinations she is the best new not human in my life)
6. Where did most of your money go?
Trip to Canada where I bought a crap load of clothes that fit!! (except all the underwear bought because I overestimated my size...used to asian sizing. There is nothing worse than a baggy thong...
My lap top,
random shit really
7. What do you wish you had done more of?
Well I was getting lots of sex for the first half of the year...but this barren sexual landscape I am treking across now, makes it hard to remember that! So...More Sex!!
Again I am with Steph here...sleep!
8. What do you wish you had done less of?
Tried to make him happy
9. What kept you sane?
First off, this implies that I stayed sane, and I definitely didnt- but my friends (esp Lisa- flatmate, and cuz Leah) really helped me realize that that was part of the process...
10. What drove you mad?
Myself, him, my job, Taiwan in general, PaoPao
11. What made you celebrate?
That I could realize that love wasnt enough, that I am worth more than he could/would give- and be strong enough to walk away.
Finally deciding what I want to do with my life.
Pao Pao
12. What made you sad?
Missing my family, especially my brother.
The whole thing with him...he started dating not even 2 months after he moved out, and it made me realize a lot about the relationship as a whole.
13. How was your birthday this year?
So good!! Shared it with my friend Ruth and had a 'bad taste party' (see August archives) It was a blast.
14. What political issue stirred you the most this year?
I have to be honest I havent been all that stirred, politically this year. Bush winds me up to no end, and the Canadian government has gone to shit-I won't even vote because I don't even like the polical system at this point and any vote would just be the lesser of evils or a cast away vote (that and I would lose my non-residency status) , but I am pretty far removed from it all, and feel pretty powerless to do anything.
15. Where you in love in 2005?
16. What would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have this year?
More money, but that is more of something...
umm a healthy relationship...don't really care about that even...I had all I needed in 2005.
Saying that, I am looking forward to going to the Philipines with Leah though. She is leaving Taiwan next summer and I am looking forward to having one last Lea/La trip. This time here really has been a bit of 'our' time.
17. What date from 2005 will be etched in your memory and why?
No one day really stands out...
18. What song will remind you of 2005?
Mr. Brightside -The Killers
If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot
I'm a Rainbow Too - Bob Marley
19. Compared to this time last year are you happier?
Yes, and no. (equivocate much? maybe!!)
This time last year I was preparing for a bubble christmas, and our first christmas in the same country. I was doing all I could to give him everything he wanted and more.
This year I have some sadness around me, some soft...but I like it. I feel more whole now than I did then. and the big news of the season...
THE MOMS ARE COMING FOR CHRISTMAS!!! i know this means absalutely nothing to most of you but it is so exciting OH OH OH andDave is not going to be here for Christmas, he is going home early...BECAUSE HE IS COMING BACK TO STAY UNTIL JUNE (he was supposed to be going home in Jan) So it is going to be Leah, our moms (they are sisters) and I for a proper family christmas. It will be great. Trivial Pursuit, Bailey's and coffee in the morning, red wine..or vodka in the evenings.
did I answer the question??
20. Biggest achievement this year?
Not only the break up, but my healing from it. I am really proud of myself! My best friend back home had the quote of the year..."Men cauterize their wounds with the fluids of other women." And I know this is not true of all men, and I know that it is not true of only men. I have this tendancy (not from other women). 2nd best quote ""best way to get over one man is to get under another") - I also have a tendency to partying my way through pain. I have had opportunity for random sex, and I have definitely done some partying, but I have chosen to feel the pain, embrace it and heal from it.
21. Biggest disappointment this year?
The realization that I had given my heart and soul to someone who did not appreciate or deserve it.
22. What is the one thing that would have made you more satisfied?
I agree with the more sex and money...but on a whole I am satisfied. I have learned SO much this year!!
23. Best new person you met this year?
I know it has been said again and again, and when I started this thing I never imagined I would have the emotional investment that I do. You guys rock! (and I am SUCH a geek!!)
24. A valuable life lesson you learnt this year?
Embrace the soft. It is what makes us human. I always fancied myself the tough chick. No one could get under my skin. Even in a debate, I keep my cool. "If you care don't let them know, don't give yourself away". But I have seen both sides now. It is not only ok to love, care, hurt, cry....it is amazing!!
I am so behind that there are not a lot of peopel in blogsphere left to tag-especially since most of the time people ignore my tags. Neverthless I have a couple
Leah-Little Fluffy Clouds - you can't ignore me forever cuz!!!
Dave - Djyooolaaaiiiiiiiiyykkit??!! - 24 and never been tagged!
There you go...pretty long winded and a bit whingy about boy stuff, but it is a big part of what 2005 means to me and will be remembered for.
1. What did you do in 2005 that you hadn't done before?
Been a puppy mom.
Broken up with someone that I still loved.
Had a broken heart.
2. Did anyone close to you give birth?
A cousin, but we arent really close
3. Did anyone close to you die?
4. Did you travel? Where did you go? Best holiday memory?
He and I went to Thailand. Met up with some friends I had travelled in Europe with and my best friend from back home and her mom. Very cool seeing people you love 'out of context'.
Went home to Canada by myself. Had some quality time with all the most important people. Realized that I wasnt truely happy in my relationship.
Went to Thailand by myself. Lots of snogs! Got back to myself a bit. I can go anywhere, I can do anything...blahblah
5. Best thing you bought?
My dog!! (although I got her from the humane society and only had to pay for her first vaccinations she is the best new not human in my life)
6. Where did most of your money go?
Trip to Canada where I bought a crap load of clothes that fit!! (except all the underwear bought because I overestimated my size...used to asian sizing. There is nothing worse than a baggy thong...
My lap top,
random shit really
7. What do you wish you had done more of?
Well I was getting lots of sex for the first half of the year...but this barren sexual landscape I am treking across now, makes it hard to remember that! So...More Sex!!
Again I am with Steph here...sleep!
8. What do you wish you had done less of?
Tried to make him happy
9. What kept you sane?
First off, this implies that I stayed sane, and I definitely didnt- but my friends (esp Lisa- flatmate, and cuz Leah) really helped me realize that that was part of the process...
10. What drove you mad?
Myself, him, my job, Taiwan in general, PaoPao
11. What made you celebrate?
That I could realize that love wasnt enough, that I am worth more than he could/would give- and be strong enough to walk away.
Finally deciding what I want to do with my life.
Pao Pao
12. What made you sad?
Missing my family, especially my brother.
The whole thing with him...he started dating not even 2 months after he moved out, and it made me realize a lot about the relationship as a whole.
13. How was your birthday this year?
So good!! Shared it with my friend Ruth and had a 'bad taste party' (see August archives) It was a blast.
14. What political issue stirred you the most this year?
I have to be honest I havent been all that stirred, politically this year. Bush winds me up to no end, and the Canadian government has gone to shit-I won't even vote because I don't even like the polical system at this point and any vote would just be the lesser of evils or a cast away vote (that and I would lose my non-residency status) , but I am pretty far removed from it all, and feel pretty powerless to do anything.
15. Where you in love in 2005?
16. What would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have this year?
More money, but that is more of something...
umm a healthy relationship...don't really care about that even...I had all I needed in 2005.
Saying that, I am looking forward to going to the Philipines with Leah though. She is leaving Taiwan next summer and I am looking forward to having one last Lea/La trip. This time here really has been a bit of 'our' time.
17. What date from 2005 will be etched in your memory and why?
No one day really stands out...
18. What song will remind you of 2005?
Mr. Brightside -The Killers
If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot
I'm a Rainbow Too - Bob Marley
19. Compared to this time last year are you happier?
Yes, and no. (equivocate much? maybe!!)
This time last year I was preparing for a bubble christmas, and our first christmas in the same country. I was doing all I could to give him everything he wanted and more.
This year I have some sadness around me, some soft...but I like it. I feel more whole now than I did then. and the big news of the season...
THE MOMS ARE COMING FOR CHRISTMAS!!! i know this means absalutely nothing to most of you but it is so exciting OH OH OH andDave is not going to be here for Christmas, he is going home early...BECAUSE HE IS COMING BACK TO STAY UNTIL JUNE (he was supposed to be going home in Jan) So it is going to be Leah, our moms (they are sisters) and I for a proper family christmas. It will be great. Trivial Pursuit, Bailey's and coffee in the morning, red wine..or vodka in the evenings.
did I answer the question??
20. Biggest achievement this year?
Not only the break up, but my healing from it. I am really proud of myself! My best friend back home had the quote of the year..."Men cauterize their wounds with the fluids of other women." And I know this is not true of all men, and I know that it is not true of only men. I have this tendancy (not from other women). 2nd best quote ""best way to get over one man is to get under another") - I also have a tendency to partying my way through pain. I have had opportunity for random sex, and I have definitely done some partying, but I have chosen to feel the pain, embrace it and heal from it.
21. Biggest disappointment this year?
The realization that I had given my heart and soul to someone who did not appreciate or deserve it.
22. What is the one thing that would have made you more satisfied?
I agree with the more sex and money...but on a whole I am satisfied. I have learned SO much this year!!
23. Best new person you met this year?
I know it has been said again and again, and when I started this thing I never imagined I would have the emotional investment that I do. You guys rock! (and I am SUCH a geek!!)
24. A valuable life lesson you learnt this year?
Embrace the soft. It is what makes us human. I always fancied myself the tough chick. No one could get under my skin. Even in a debate, I keep my cool. "If you care don't let them know, don't give yourself away". But I have seen both sides now. It is not only ok to love, care, hurt, cry....it is amazing!!
I am so behind that there are not a lot of peopel in blogsphere left to tag-especially since most of the time people ignore my tags. Neverthless I have a couple
Leah-Little Fluffy Clouds - you can't ignore me forever cuz!!!
Dave - Djyooolaaaiiiiiiiiyykkit??!! - 24 and never been tagged!
There you go...pretty long winded and a bit whingy about boy stuff, but it is a big part of what 2005 means to me and will be remembered for.
At 8:07 a.m.,
Steph said…
Wow, sounds like you had a year full of personal discoveries. I love that line "embrace the soft" that is beautiful.
At 12:21 p.m.,
Ang said…
Steph - The term 'soft' came from a Taiwanese friend who came over in the middle of my break down. Afterwards she said "I didnt know what to say, she's so soft I don't want to hurt the soft" It was between Leah, Lisa and my brother that "embrace the soft" came from.
janestarr - Thanks! I wouldn't say that I have the acceptance, but I certainly strive for it...and yes YAY MOMS!!
At 12:52 p.m.,
trueborn said…
Great to have you back, Ang. Sounds like a full year. Embrace the soft makes me want to hug somebody:) But my roommate smells funny (too much cabbage) so I'll hug somebody tomorrow. Have a great one!
At 3:12 p.m.,
meghansdiscontent said…
Love anyone that gives a shout out to Gordo!
Though, I have to question - and I really want the answer - how did Gordon Lightfoot's "If You Could Read My Mind" figure into the year 2005 for you, girlie??? :)
Missed you in your absence. Less absences - more writings!! Your public demands it!
At 3:54 p.m.,
Ang said…
true: Good to be back-hug away!! Good call on the roommate-cabbage can be dangerous!!
meghan: always nice to see a good canadian boy being appreciated south of the border!
i have always loved the song and after my break in sanity (after i found out he was dating) the song made it into high rotation. With the knowledge came a permanent change in my feelings about the relationship. Not only was it over, but it never was what I thougt it was. Something changed within me. It hurt like hell at the time and I so identified with the song at the time. "and I just can't get it back". Now I realize that I don't want it back.
At 8:13 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
the moms are coming the moms are coming the moms are coming!
At 8:16 p.m.,
Ang said…
mmmm perogies!!!!!!
At 11:41 p.m.,
D said…
oh my god perogies, yummmmmmmm
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