I'm a Rainbow Too!

"Reality continues to ruin my life." - Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Lost in Translation

Angela, you remember I talk to you next week about Christmas program on Dec 21 and your part I say I need next week.

fuck, what is she talking about

blank stare

We change the Christmas party from Dec 24 for Dec 21, remember I talk to you. We don't do student program because we don't have time so for your part you tell a christmas story and some acivity

uh-huh, so you want my part next week

No I talk to you last week and say you need to prepare for me this week, today.

oops, forgot about that completely...thats what you get for leaving me sitting here with nothing to do- i only get things done under pressure, i was thinking of doing 'twas the night before christmas'-that's easy enough

Oh right, sorry! I am not finished, but I have some ideas....I just need to finish it up.

Your part is from 6:10-6:30, so 20 min. I want you to do a story of christmas with some activity for the students and parents, not only just the story.

I was thinking of doing "Twas the night before christmas"

her blank stare, oh and that face when she wants to say something and is trying to think of the most indirect way to say it-or she is confused

you know, the story that I suggested P9 class perform. when I was planning a whole christmas program put on by students, before you decided there wasnt enough rehearsal time and decided to make it a teacher show...after I had put in several hours of planning.

oh yes, i know. that one is good. i know. but actually...i have asked Maggie to read that poem. I want you to do the story of christmas....but not just the story, an activity too. that face again...

oh THE story of christmas...slightly different that A christmas story, as the director of an english school you should know that, but really, there are a lot of 'shoulds'

I misunderstood you when you said A christmas story, I didnt realize you wanted the story of baby jesus

yes, and an activity

Ok, I will get going on that. It will take me a few more minutes, as I didnt realize that is what you wanted

story of baby jesus, to a group of people who don't speak english, and have NO basis in Christianity. "yeah, this baby was born, and some people believe that he was a saviour, oh, you don't know what saviour means, and he was born in a manger, oh you don't know what a manger is, and he was the only son of God, oh, you don't know who God is...."

Is someone going to translate for me?

ummm, the face well I could or some of the other teachers could help you... or you could just use some pictures and very simple language. and an activity, not just the story.

she actually wants me to tell this story to a room full of people who will not understand it, and play a game in 20 min. what kind of game goes with the birth of Christ anyway...pin the saviour in the manger

I finally convinced her (45 min later) that I wasnt comfortable telling a religious story to people who wouldnt understand it anyway, to people who had such starkly differnt religious beliefs. I don't consider myself a christian, but I do resent the removal of Christ from Christmas. I find it wierd enough to be pushing Halloween and Christmas on this culture let alone bringing in the religious side of it. When it was going to be the kids doing the program I had one of the classes doing the nativity story, but the idea of telling the story and playing a game in 20 min, followed by her dancing around singing "santa claus is coming to town" was just too much. Maybe I am just being lazy, but the thought of that overwhelmed me. I tried for the grinch and settled on rudolph the red nose reindeer -with pin the nose on the reindeer!


  • At 8:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    LOL! Oh, you tell it so well.

    Nice work on Rudolph...you were dead set on pin the somthing on the something, hey?

    I'm singing Deck the Halls and We Wish You a Merry Christmas with my kids. Rehersals began today. "Teacher, bough is what? Teacher, holly is what? Teacher, gay apparel is what?"....and 'troll the ancient yuletide carol'????
    Ay yai yai.
    They rock at the fa la la's though.

  • At 9:27 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    Yeah, It is definitely easier to just do the show myself!! We have been having Christmas bootcamp at the kindie in the mornings to prepare their dance-fun!!

    I think you find it funny because you were getting the whole internal monologue on msn, real time!!

    I guess that means it is not really internal, nor a monologue...i digress!

  • At 6:06 a.m., Blogger trueborn said…

    I hate garbage like that. If you're not gonna do it right, don't do it. I hate it when people in authority look for scapegoats, and I hate it even more when they give you the face instead of telling you exactly what they want you to do. Hello, I'm not a mindreader, nor do I know any. Part of the reason I no longer teach. I can see my ugly-ass headmasters face as we speak. I still can't believe he reproduced!
    What exactly are their beliefs?
    Are they what the Bible thumpers in the States call "heathens"?
    They don't celebrate Christmas? Boy, Ang I don't know how I'd deal. I

  • At 11:47 a.m., Blogger Steph said…

    Wow, she really expected a lot from you and at such short notice too. How rude.

  • At 12:14 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    true: i knew it was time to quit when the sight of 'the face' made me want to punch her. it is part of taiwanese culture to say things indirectly though, so I can't hate her too much. And you add the fact her english is shit and I spend a lot of time wanting to punch her!! I do believe the bible thumpers would call them heathens...they call themselves Buddhist and Taoists,but really it is bastardized versions of them!!!

    Steph: It is more a case of her not even understanding what she was asking of me. More ignorant than rude, but equally annoying!

  • At 3:32 p.m., Blogger Elle said…

    Pin the savior in the manger?

    LOL. Absolutely HILARIOUS!!

  • At 9:55 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    Oh woo- hoo!

    Pin the Saviour in the Manger.
    LOVIN it.

    I suppose I will see you in hell for that one.
    Just remember, I called dibs on being President of Hell a long time ago. You're going to have to settle for some post that allows you no responsibility but a lot of face time. . . hmm . .

    Think on that and get back to me.

  • At 5:19 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    luv-good to see you again!!

    janestarr-especially when you factor in the language barrier and time restaint; 20 min for the story of jesus and a game!!

    meghan-i think that i would be well suited for an activities coordinator in hell. No laws or pesky moral restraints...We could have some fun!!!

  • At 3:15 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    Hey, coordinator -

    You need to coordinate THIS. . . Trueborn thinks he gets to be President in Hell . . even though I called dibs a million years ago and even posted it on your blog before he ever mentioned Hell. HELP! :)

    (so much for you not having any responsibilities . . . are you sure you want this job? hahaha )

  • At 4:55 a.m., Blogger trueborn said…

    I read it here first Meg. But my comment was bound to get me into trouble so I didn't post it.
    It had something to do with a woman being in charge and it truly being hell or some such. Besides I'm older that trumps you.

  • At 5:51 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    Hmm . .. I don't know about all that, kiddo.

    If we're going for life experience, betcha I'm older.

  • At 9:34 a.m., Blogger Ang said…

    Listen kids, I am older than both of you, so if we are playing the age card I get to be president. Meghan did call it first, so if we are playing firsties, she is president. Now both of you hug each other and apoligize. You can come out to play again when you are ready to play nice. Maybe we can work out a sort of presidential rota. Or maybe we are going to have to call a blogsphere President of Hell election. . .

  • At 9:55 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    Man, how come Ang gets to be the adult and make the right calls???

    We were having fun with our dirt fight, mom.

  • At 10:31 a.m., Blogger Ang said…

    If you were having so much fun you shouldn't have coming in tattling like that-no one likes a tattle-tale!

    "mommmmmmm...true said that he is president, but i said it first, tell him mom!!"

    hahaha!! god, even in blog world I turn into the mother figure; I just can't shake it!! I guess in hell I am not so much the coordinator as MOM!! AAARRRGG!

  • At 10:47 a.m., Blogger trueborn said…

    Yay thanks MOM!
    I didn't want the job anyway. I just wanted to see Megs all hot and bothered. LOL
    And Ang a prerequisite for hell is being mean of course, I don't know if you'd make it. You are entirely too kind.
    Now what was she saying about a dirt fight....

  • At 11:51 a.m., Blogger trueborn said…

    Thank God for that:)
    Although, I probably would wind up somewhere in between, like Purgatory or New Jersey.

  • At 7:44 p.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    "between Purgatory and New Jersey"??

    I thought New Jersey WAS Purgatory.

    Ang, honey, if it helps - I can't get away from the mom figure either! I spent most of college being called MOM by a large amount of my friends. Being the only one who's always prepared is a BITCH.

    Since when did keeping lotion, breath mints, bandaids, water, protein bars, crackers, aspirin, . . oh wait.

    If I have ALL those things, and I KNOW that list goes on, in my possession . . I am a mom figure.


  • At 8:08 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    Not mention checking that they are all wearing safe helmets, and having them over for dinner because they arent eating properly! My god, I am more mom than my mom!

    By the way, are you guys wearing seat belts and eating properly??

  • At 7:40 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    We lurv you momma!

    And .. .umm . . no.
    I'm not a fan of seatbelts.

  • At 10:16 a.m., Blogger Ang said…

    And let's make it the same 4 songs over and over;

    Jingle Bells
    We Wish You a Merry Christmas

    and for the more advanced class;

    Santa Clause is Coming to Town
    Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

    Meghan- Wear your seatbelt!!!

  • At 8:05 p.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    I refuse.
    There are statistics that show that they kill as many as they save.

    Not to mention, if I HAD been wearing my seatbelt in my last wreck - I wouldn't have a left foot right now. And probably not a left arm either.

    And my friend's father was decapitated by his seatbelt when he was in a head on collision. The doctors said he would have survived if not for the seatbelt.

    And it cuts DIRECTLY across my scar from surgery and HURTS.

    Nope, no seat belts. :(

    Sorry, mommy.

    Back to caroling!!

  • At 8:28 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    OK,OK!! But drive carefully!!

    My mom wouldn't be alive today if she had been wearing her seatbelt. She was at an unmarked railway crossing and didnt look close enough. By the time she realized she could only gun it. The train hit her right behind the driver door and she was thrown from the car...almost could have walked away. But if she had been wearing a seatbelt...

  • At 8:29 p.m., Blogger Ang said…

    Leah; I just noticed the fa la la la las....it reminds me of my FAVOURITE christmas movie


  • At 6:26 a.m., Blogger meghansdiscontent said…

    Oh NO!

    A Christmas Story??

    What a pink nightmare. :)


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